A safe & sober place to call home.
It’s All About The Members
Oxford House Saskatchewan is a member driven organization that provides safe affordable housing for people who’ve recently completed addictions treatment and are at risk of homelessness. Having a safe and sober place to call home provides people the opportunity to recovery with dignity, confidence and security. This means Oxford members are more likely to remain sober longer, and the longer a person can remain sober after leaving treatment, the better their chances are of staying on the path of recovery.
Oxford House Saskatchewan provides safe, supportive, affordable, and sober living for individuals in addictions recovery; providing members with the opportunity to develop life skills, while cultivating a sense of purpose and hope.
Our Organization
Oxford House Saskatchewan (OHS) is a CRA-registered charitable organization which provides housing and support for individuals who have recently completed an addictions treatment program, are homeless, or at-risk of homelessness, and express a strong desire to continue their recovery in a drug-free environment. OHS has proven to be a critical service provider within Regina and Saskatoon. The long-term vision is to continue expanding Saskatchewan. Oxford House Saskatchewan is the only non-profit in Saskatchewan to provide this type of support for recovering addicts.
Often people recovering from addictions have insufficient supports to succeed in long term recovery upon completion of a treatment program. Without post-recovery support, the result is recidivism for an estimated 90% of this vulnerable sector. Providing support is key to the concept while ensuring Member accountability to improve these outcomes.